Monday, July 28, 2008

Still No George!!!

Well, It's been almost a week and still no sign of George. Matt and Nate went looking for him this morning and then we went again this afternoon. The neighbors all said that they haven't seen him. I think Nate has given up hope of finding him. He finally sleep all night last night. But he said a while ago that he is still very sad :( It just breaks my heart not knowing what happened to him. I just hope that whoever has him will take very good care of him.


Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about George. On one hand I can understand why someone would take him, He's beautiful, But on the other, How could someone take a childs best friend? We hope you find him.


Amanda McCrory said...

Bless his little life. I hope George finds his way back to little Nate. I know its heartbreaking to see a child lose something so special at such a young age.